Writer. Author. Thinker. Storyteller.
Join my Medium:https://drpatfarrell.medium.com/

A Psychologist of a Different Stripe
I’m a licensed clinical psychologist and published author with experience in the field of mental health as a practicing clinician, medical writer, researcher, educator and disability consultant. Formerly, I was the National Clinical Monitor for Mt. Sinai Medical Center in NYC, where I was involved in the first national protocol (Cognex) for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. I traveled to over 17 major national sites where research on Alzheimer’s was active and met some of the major physicians and psychologists in the field.
I am a WebMD Psychologist/Expert consultant for Anxiety/Panic and have appeared on many national and local TV and radio programs, magazines and newspapers. You can find more information in my bio in Who’s Who in America or Who’s Who in the World. I try to contribute daily tweets on Twitter, so please take a look and, if you want, follow me @drpatfarrell. I am a member of the SAG-AFTRA entertainment union.

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My Philosophy
All of us, especially healthcare professionals, have a responsibility to give back to our community. The information and insights on this site is one of the ways in which I try to fulfill that mandate. I hope that you find it helpful.
This website is intended to serve as starting points for searching material which you may find useful in a variety of areas. It is not an exhaustive resource and the presence of a link simply means you may want to look at it, not that it is the ultimate authority nor should you give it any inordinate amount of weight.
Why do I tweet frequently throughout the day? Because I believe that there’s information which is both interesting and vital for people to have. I don’t confine my tweets to psychology or things about therapy or cognition. I include medical information, psychiatric, FDA recalls, info on computers, software, websites, film, apps and other things that strike me as useful. So, I’d appreciate any new “followers” who care to join me on this voyage of discovery. Go to @drpatfarrell and we’re off.
You can have a look at my relaxation video on the left. There are more useful and informative videos on my youtube channel, and on the videos page on this site. There’s also a short video of a beach scene with relaxing music I think you’re going to like. Take a look!
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"
Vincent Van Gogh

Get in touch with me for more information about my previous publications and upcoming releases.