Cher Created a New Accent: Listen to her songs and try to figure out where she found it
Here’s to the Ladies Who Create, Everybody Cheer: Late-life creativity is receiving new attention in
Mental Illness and the Promise of AI: The search for relief may lie in AI not alcohol
AI's Secrets Behind That Job Interview: It's not what you did or who you are but what AI says
Stress is YOUR Silent killer
Child Porn Detection by AI: The chase is on with technology on the internet
The AI War Against Climate Change: Is AI the enemy, who are the players, and what are they doing?
Advancing Ethical Robots: How do we prevent unethical, biased robotic creations?
Mozart in Your Mind: AI's ability to score the music your brain is creating
Sex with a Female Bot: Who benefits, who complains and the sex trade's concerns
Video Game Addiction: Can an addiction have a positive side?
Deepfake Destroys Trust: AI enters a world of illusion with dire political and personal implications
Cyberbullying, Suicide and AI: Technology made it happen and technology has to be the solution
The Non-Fiction Novel: Is it an art form or was Truman Capote a fraud?
Porn and the World of AI: Computer sensuality enters the world of adult entertainment
The "Evil" Therapist: Protecting yourself from those who might harm you
The AI Rabbit Hole of Writing: A personal journey with AI manuscript review
Mozart in Your Mind: AI's ability to score the music your brain is creating
Desperate for Attention and Dying: Advertising, vaping and the insidious wish to belong